What we offer:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
- Central Sleep Apnea
- Snoring
- Insomnia
- Sleep Apnea with Heart Failure
- Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
- Narcolepsy
- Shift Work Disorder
- Sleep-Related Movement Disorders
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Hypersomnia
- Sleep-Related Headaches
- Nocturia (frequent urination at night)
- Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Sleep-Related Eating Disorder (SRED)
- Sleep-related Anxiety Disorder
- Abortion Issues
- Sleep-related GERD
- Parasomnias(Sleepwalking, Night Terrors)
- REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Sleep disorders rob you of restful sleep that is vital to your overall health and wellbeing. Here at Never Tired Clinic in Aventura, Fl (At Manela Cardiology) it is our goal to help you regain that healthy sleep you have been missing. We use a variety of the most advanced and precise sleep tests and sleep studies to diagnose your sleep issues. If you are determined to have a sleep disorder we can use sleep studies to correct the problem, as well as other sleep treatments including the use of home medical equipment. Learn more about the services we offer here at Never Tired Clinic in Aventura, Fl (At Manela Cardiology).
Sleep Testing and Sleep Studies
Treating your sleep disorders in Aventura, Fl (At Manela Cardiology) begins with sleep testing and sleep studies here at Aventura, Fl (At Manela Cardiology). This will give your sleep doctor the information needed to make a medical diagnosis for your sleep disorder. We offer a number of sleep tests including sleep apnea screening that you can do in our office or at hsome. We also provide a daytime nap study referred to as a multiple sleep latency test, as well as several sleep studies or polysomnograms (PSG). A PSG is a test that records physical activities electronically, while you are sleeping. These physical activities include your brain activity, oxygen levels, eye movements, heart rate, and blood pressure.
We provide a polysomnography, which is a night time sleep test conducted at Never Tired Clinic. This is typically followed by a titration polysomnography, or second night sleep test, that is used to treat any sleep disorders noted in the night time sleep test. We also use a split-night polysomnography that combines the night time sleep test and the second night sleep test for a treatment option for sleep disorder breathing. Here at Never Tired Clinic you may also receive maintenance of wakefulness testing (MWT) that is required for the Department of Transportation for truck drivers and pilots.
Home Medical Equipment
If you are diagnosed with a sleep disorder that requires home medical equipment, such as obstructive sleep apnea, we can assist you. At Never Tired Clinic we have a network of treatment providers that includes local home medical equipment suppliers in Aventura, Fl (At Manela Cardiology). If you are a commercial truck driver who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea, requiring you to use a portable sleep apnea machine, we can help you select the right type of equipment for your needs.
Request Sleep Services in Aventura, Fl (At Manela Cardiology)
To get started with sleep services in Aventura, Fl (At Manela Cardiology), let the doctors at Never Tired Clinic assist you. We are fully equipped to provide most major sleep studies and sleep tests to diagnose your sleep condition. We also offer medical treatment for sleep disorders ranging from sleepwalking and restless legs syndrome to insomnia and sleep apnea. Contact Never Tired Clinic at (855) 753-3730 to schedule your sleep disorder services today.